About Me


Hi, I'm Daphney!

In 2013, I had the opportunity to lead service trips in the marginalized communities of Haitian sugar cane cutters in the Dominican Republic, "batey". Being Haitian, these living conditions hit close to home, and I vowed to do my small part to help advocate for the children. We've partnered with Rustic Pathways and local NGO ASCALA to help in these communities in fight to gain citizenship and to live with some dignity.

I started the toy drive because I noticed that, although the children were living in poverty, they always found creative ways to play. I started the toy drive and holiday celebration in 2015 to help encourage and foster their creativity, because rich or poor, all children deserve to play. Thanks to your support this has expanded to include a holiday party where the children get a toy, a new outfit, and we provide the children and their families with a healthy meal.