Join us for our 3rd Annual toy drive and fundraiser benefiting the marginalized "batey" communities of Haitians in the Dominican Republic and in Haiti.


Provide Gifts for Children in Deserving Communities

Your donation help us provide a toy and clothes to children in need. In the previous 2 years, we help parties ine Batey Molinito and Batey Monte Coca--two of the many marginalized "Bateyes" or sugar cane cutting communities of people of Haitian descent living in the Dominican Republic. 
Every child under 17 received a toy, with babies and toddlers also receiving a new outfit for Christmas! 


A Healthy Meal

Thanks to your support, we also provide every child and their families with a healthy meal!



Cherish the Moment

Thank you to your support, we also hold photo and art workshops and leave each child with a photo to remember the moment.