Food Program

Another exciting update and how a chunk of the proceeds of the holiday funds raised is benefiting people most in need is through expanding our food program. As you know, every program - toy drive, camp, school supplies, includes food. The reason for this is that an estimated 40% of people living in Haiti are considered food insecure. It’s truly special that I can now make it an official program. Below are photos from the holidays, Independence day (Haitian), elderly day (Haitian holiday), and woman’s day. Each food bag contains oil, rice, beans, tuna fish, canned milk, spaghetti. In addition, we gave the elderly an equivalent of $2 for coal to cook the food. And of course, the bag is reusable! Planning for Mother’s Day (May 30 in Haiti) and Flag Day May 18th.

School Lunch Program

We recently launched our school lunch program! It’s something I’ve always wanted to do with the Joumou Fund as so many children go to school without a proper breakfast and spend the school day hungry. I don’t need to tell you how this affects a child’s ability to learn, concentrate, behave, etc.

Unfortunately, this is the norm in Haiti. Data shows that over 40% of the population in Haiti faces food insecurity.

We’re starting slow. Currently, the program serves 50 students (and teachers) of various grades at our partner school College Audillon Sylvestre. We serve a meal of the traditional rice or beans or pasta two to four times a week.

See below for photos.

If you’d like to support, just $20 can sponsor meals for the week! Donate today.


I am thrilled to announce the first recipient of our new annual scholarship program! Could not have done this without your kindness.

In collaboration with College Audilon Sylvestre, on behalf of all of you who donated, we awarded a scholarship to Claude John Woody Jr. to cover his 8th-grade year. The scholarship, valued at 21,250 HTG or $265 USD covers his entrance fee ($155) as well as the school semester($110).

Claude’s mom, Ms. Vana, is a single mother of Claude and his two siblings. Having no source of income, this scholarship is a huge burden lifted for her. I’m so happy we could work with the school Principal, Mr. Audilon to make this small but effective impact.

Below, photo of Claude and receipts!! And a very sweet thank you letter!

Claude John Woody Jr.  Joumou Fund Scholarship Recipient

Claude John Woody Jr. Joumou Fund Scholarship Recipient

Holiday 2020

I didn’t travel to Haiti this past holiday due to insecurity in Haiti. I ended up shipping the toys and they didn’t get to Haiti until February. As a result, I postponed the toy giveaway for Flag Day celebration on May 18th.

However, we still had the holiday celebration - A BBQ for about 60 children. We normally expect more than 200 children, but again due to insecurity, many of the kids spent the Christmas holiday in the countryside, away from the city.

Enjoy some photos from December’s Holiday BBQ.

Fun fact: The barbecue (or BBQ) originated in Haiti. It was a method that the Tainos used to preserve meat. That’s why I often have BBQs for the kids - Love our history!!

October 2020- Back to School

Before we get into this post - Going on this trip, while last minute, was a very calculated decision made knowing that I am healthy, that others around me were healthy as well, and that the COVID rate in Haiti was and remains meager. Precautions taken included: Having this event less than 24 hours after I arrived, temperature checks, hand sanitizing, mask-wearing, social distancing, and limiting the event to only 30 mins. The photos are much different from previous celebrations, which are usually full-on parties or camps.


I had taken the last week of October off from work to do nothing - Relax my mind during a particularly difficult year (Election, racism, COVID…) Never one to do nothing, and thinking about school reopenings in Haiti in November, I made a last-minute (4 days before departing) decision to go to Haiti. But only if I could find a cheap enough flight.

As God and the universe usually answers, I found the cheapest flight I’ve ever taken to Haiti - AND it included TWO free 70lbs luggages!! if it sounds too good to be true, then just check out

What started out as an idea to clear my head, resulted in being able to pack enough backpacks and supplies to help 75 children go back to school.

This is important. While Haiti has been sparred health-wise, the global economic effects of COVID, coupled with previous issues, including the country being on lockdown for most of last year due to political unrest, has devastated the economy. This is reflected in current inflation rates. On a trip for a jar of peanut butter, I noticed a $20 jar of Peter Pan peanut butter. The backpacks with a unit price of about $3-$4, would easily cost $20+ in Haiti.

If you supported, you’ve done more for a family than you may ever know. Thank you for your generosity.

Enjoy the photos!

Back to school - Haiti 2019

200 energetic children, this is the closest to a group pic I could get!

200 energetic children, this is the closest to a group pic I could get!

Thank you to all who donated to our annual back to school celebration. Your support helped more than 200 children prepare for back to school. We provided backpacks, school supplies, toiletry kits, meals, and some fun!

Many of the children we work with are living in extreme poverty, with their parents struggling to pay their school fees. Providing supplies for school relieves a huge financial burden from the parents and means a child will be able to take notes in his or her new notebook or carry their books in a backpack instead of a plastic bag.

Thank you, thank you, thank you and enjoy some of these photos! Shout out to a local school, “College Audillon Sylvestre” for allowing us to host the celebration in their space.

State of my room in Haiti preparing for the celebrations. You can see the backpacks rolled up, toiletries, and some food.

State of my room in Haiti preparing for the celebrations. You can see the backpacks rolled up, toiletries, and some food.

The lovely faces! We had so many children that we had to sit them all over the school yard. It worked out as this naturally divided them and made leading activities easier.

Provided breakfast and lunch to more than 200 children over two days! In reusable plates!

Hygiene workshop demonstrating proper tooth-brushing and hand-washing techniques. Haiti is affected by cholera, so this is very important.

Backpack distribution. 150 out of 200+ kids received backpacks. It’s already sad when there’s not enough, but couldn’t turn anyone away. Those who didn’t receive backpacks still took home toiletries, supplies and were served meals on both days!

We rise by lifting others

Our Newsletter Invite

Our Newsletter Invite

Hi Everyone,

I'd like to invite you all again to support our 3rd Annual fundraiser and toy drive to raise funds to help us throw holiday parties for some much deserving marginalized communities in the Dominican Republic and in Haiti. It will be an evening of music, community and exciting raffles all in the name of doing good!

I'd love to see you all in person and as in the past two years, I invite you to donate a toy through our Amazon Wishlist or

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