
I am thrilled to announce the first recipient of our new annual scholarship program! Could not have done this without your kindness.

In collaboration with College Audilon Sylvestre, on behalf of all of you who donated, we awarded a scholarship to Claude John Woody Jr. to cover his 8th-grade year. The scholarship, valued at 21,250 HTG or $265 USD covers his entrance fee ($155) as well as the school semester($110).

Claude’s mom, Ms. Vana, is a single mother of Claude and his two siblings. Having no source of income, this scholarship is a huge burden lifted for her. I’m so happy we could work with the school Principal, Mr. Audilon to make this small but effective impact.

Below, photo of Claude and receipts!! And a very sweet thank you letter!

Claude John Woody Jr.  Joumou Fund Scholarship Recipient

Claude John Woody Jr. Joumou Fund Scholarship Recipient